Monday, December 13, 2010

Home Ownership: Day 13.5

Owning a home is hard work. G and I have put in many hours of hard labor, and I am beginning to realize a few things:

1) Primer is not a very green product, and its fumes give rather large headaches.
2) Peeling, priming, patching, priming, and painting a ceiling will end up taking about 3 weeks, not 3 days.
3) It's cold outside.
4) Handy and helpful family members go a long way :)

Not much more to report on the green front, but we are hoping to be in by the new year!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Green Home Ownership

It's been a very hectic couple of months. Among the many happenings, I got engaged and bought a house with my pre-hubby!!! Therefore, blog posting kind of fell to the wayside.

Have no fear! Now that I am a homeowner, I am searching for ways to lower our costs and our carbon footprint within the home.

On our first (of many) big trips to Home Depot, we purchased a Dual-Flush Converter for our toilet. We haven't installed it yet (we are too busy scraping peeling paint off the ceilings and cleaning up the kitchen!) but I am psyched, and the product got great reviews. And so cheap!

Other priorities in the coming month will be a low flow shower head, signing up for Viridian, and trying to buy some of our furniture on Craiglist, instead of buying new.

Be on the lookout for more home improvement updates!