Friday, July 8, 2011

Weeds, Be Gone!

I need some lawn maintenance advice. We have weeds. A lot of them. Our front "lawn" is actually small stones, and despite the weed block mat underneath (which I'm sure is very old and I know is completely ineffective as a result), we have a weed lawn growing in between all the stone. There are weeds everywhere. My garden has weeds. Our weeds have weeds. I pulled out a weed that looked like a small tree today.

We tried one chemical treatment at the beginning of the season (much to my protest and I'm still feeling major guilt) and it didn't really work anyway. I've heard that people use vinegar, but my future in-laws tried it and said not only was it not effective, but it made the entire neighborhood stink.

Does anyone have an environmentally friendly way of eliminating weeds?!?!? I don't have the stamina to keep pulling them out by hand, and it doesn't really seem to make that much of a difference anyway. Sigh.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Summer Grillin

G and I have decided to attempt an air-conditioner free summer. We have ceiling fans in every room of the house, and buying window units just doesn't seem all that appealing. Number one, they cost money to buy and operate. Number two, they would take away some of the limited natural light we get in the house (a fact which does help our AC-less cause, btw).

There has only been a couple of nights that G has felt a bit uncomfortable, but I haven't noticed it, as I've been told I sleep with my eyes open and the bedroom lights blaring. I'm low maintenance. So, here's hoping we can make it through and save some major dough and some carbon footprints!

As a result of our venture, we've been using the grill a lot, as cooking on the stove increases the kitchen temperature considerably. I'm big on grilled veggies, and I'm hoping that my Jurassic park yellow squash plants are ready for some action soon. These are perfect. They are so delicious, so filling, and so simple. I sub in Trader Joe's Brown Rice Tortillas for my tostada. And until our garden kicks into full force, I'll be going here for my produce.

Happy summer!