Monday, July 19, 2010

Road Trip to Connecticut

I travelled up to Washington Depot CT (hello, small town living!) to visit one of my wonderful friends from California. Her mom is years ahead of me in terms of greener, healthier living, and I came back with a few tips and resources to spread around.

1) Food Inc. - If you haven't already seen this documentary, I would recommend it. Exposes the meat and farming industries in a pretty big way. Of course, you have to take all documentaries with a grain of salt, but I was shocked at some of the footage, and it made me continue to reflect on the types of food I put into my body.

2) Omnivore's Dilemma - A friend of mine recommended this book, and others by the same author (Michael Pollan). Then, I went to CT and Meg's mother and a girl at the farmer's market both mentioned it and said it was definitely worth the read. So, that's next on the library list (after Kathy Griffin's autobiography, because let's face it, I need to mix in some laughs with my "research").

3) Bragg's Amino Acids - An alternative to soy sauce, this stuff is seriously good. And good for you. Meg's mom cut up tofu into "steaks", squirted some of this stuff on them with some garlic powder, salt and pepper, and pan fried in olive oil them for 3-4 minutes a side. Amazing.

Mix all of this together with fresh, home grown raspberries (hello pie!), a lovely health food store, a sporadic farmer's market on the side of a windy road, and wonderful company, and you've got yourself a great time in small town America.

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